- (904) 342-7428
- info@southerngraceinc.com
- Monday - Friday 9 AM - 5 PM
Southern Grace Homes

Empowering your Inspirations
Mindful Design
Southern Grace Homes is our residential remodel division and is spear headed by Erin Dudley. Southern Grace Homes specializes in high end residential focusing on simple, well done interiors. Southern Grace Homes residential is currently scheduled out for the year. However, if you are interested in lots or tracts of land, please feel free to reach out to us!
Our services include:
- Design
- New Construction
- Fire Damage
- Historic Renovation
- Lots and Land
Highly Qualified
Licensed and Insured
Contact Us
- (904) 342-7428
- info@southerngraceinc.com
- PO Box 600824, Jacksonville, FL 32260
- Monday - Friday 9 AM - 5 PM
- Like us on Facebook
Business Hours
Monday - Friday 9 AM - 5 PM
© 2022 Southern Grace Construction, All Rights Reserved.